Kendriya Vidyalaya Nepanagar was started under project sector of Nepa Mills Limited in 1981. At present it is in Civil Sector with single sections of std. 1st to 12th. Student strength of the Vidyalaya is 435. Streams at 10+2 level are Science (with options among Biology, Hindi, Informatics Practices and Maths) and Commerce (with options among Hindi, Maths, and Informatics Practices). Nepanagar is situated on the main railway route of Mumbai-Itarsi under Central railway. It is a tehsil place in Burhanpur District of Madhya Pradesh bordering Maharashtra. The nearest main railway junction Khandwa is 43 Kms towards Itarasi and Bhusawal is 81 Kms. towards Mumbai from Nepanagar. Nepanagar itself is a small railway station with halts of 9 trains of the route.